3 Reasons Why Your OBGYN May Want To Induce You

While most women hope to go into labor on their own, this isn't always the case. Oftentimes women need to be induced in order to protect their health and the health of their unborn child. This article will discuss three reasons why your OBGYN may want to induce you. 


Pre-eclampsia is high blood pressure in a pregnant woman that can cause the blood vessels in multiple organs to clamp down and constrict blood flow. When this happens, both the mother and the baby are at risk. For the woman, she may experience seizures, temporary loss of vision, poor liver function or even failure, and at worst, death. The unborn baby may also have a very low birth weight, separation of the placenta, or may even die. Because these risks are incredibly serious, your OBGYN may decide to have you induced to protect the health of both you and your baby. Pre-eclampsia can being to develop around 20 weeks, and will be monitored closely by your OBGYN to see when and if you need to be induced. 

Intrauterine Growth Restriction 

Intrauterine growth restriction occurs when a baby is not growing in the womb as it should be. This means that the baby is measuring more than 3 weeks small. This may happen because the placenta is not giving the baby what it needs to grow, or because the mother has certain medical conditions, a poor diet, or because of several other factors. While sometimes a healthy diet and rest may help the baby to grow, this isn't always the case. If your baby will not grow no matter what you do, your OBGYN will likely suggest induction if you are far enough along. This will allow your baby to get the nutrients that they need via breast milk and/or formula, which will help them to grow. 

You Are One Week Overdue

Often times if you are a week or more overdue, you doctor may suggest getting induced. The longer you are pregnant, the bigger your baby is going to get, and this may make it more and more difficult for you to give birth vaginally. Being induced may help you to avoid having a baby that requires a C-section due to their large size. Being induced when overdue may also help to avoid any problems with the placenta that may stop your baby from getting much needed nourishment, as well as infections that may harm the baby. 

Get in touch with a center like Tri-County Women's Health Care for more information.
