4 Tips For Patients Interested In Ketamine Treatment For Depression

Antidepressant medication is designed to help people who suffer from depression. Unfortunately, some people cannot tolerate these drugs or do not find sufficient relief from them. Ketamine infusions can offer hope for people who are not adequately helped by SSRIs, talk therapy, and other standard treatments. These are some tips that can help people who are interested in undergoing ketamine treatment for treatment-resistant depression:

1. Talk to your psychiatrist about ketamine treatment.

People with severe depression usually have their mental health treatment managed by psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are specialists with comprehensive knowledge of different mental health treatments, as well as their side effects and indications. If you're interested in undergoing ketamine treatment for treatment-resistant depression, you should bring it up with your psychiatrist at your next appointment. They can help you figure out if ketamine treatment is right for you based on the presentation of your depression and any comorbidities you may be experiencing.

2. Get a checkup from your doctor.

Like other treatments for depression, ketamine therapy can have some side effects. Ketamine can increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure, which may be an issue if you have a family history of heart disease or high blood pressure. To make sure you're healthy enough for ketamine treatment, your psychiatrist may require you to have a checkup performed by your general practitioner. A physical exam can put your mind at ease so you can experience your first ketamine treatment without health anxiety.

3. Know what to expect before your treatment day.

Ketamine treatment helps many people find relief from their depression symptoms. Unlike other antidepressant medications, which are taken on a daily basis at home, ketamine is administered in a medical facility. You'll be made comfortable as ketamine is administered through an IV drip. During your treatment, you may feel inebriated or disoriented. Medical professionals will observe you throughout your treatment, and after the acute effects of ketamine abate, you'll have the opportunity to talk about your experience with a therapist who will help you to integrate your experience.

4. Plan to rest and recuperate after your treatment.

Patients who receive ketamine therapy should not drive themselves home, since they will be impaired after their treatment. You should plan to recuperate for the rest of the day since some people feel tired or disoriented for several hours following ketamine therapy. Your doctor will help you schedule your next ketamine infusion since most people require multiple treatment sessions to reap the full benefits of ketamine therapy.

Talk to a doctor to learn more about ketamine for depression.
