Canine Physical Therapy To Fight Arf-Ritis

Just as human joints can begin to become painful and inflamed over time, dogs can suffer from arthritis too. Arthritis in dogs commonly occurs in the knees or hips but can also be in the shoulders or wrists. There are several methods of physical therapy you can try if your dog has been diagnosed with arthritis.  Range-of-Motion Therapy Canine physical therapists can teach you several range-of-motion exercises you can do with your dog to help relieve the pain of arthritis. Read More 

Hospice: Patient Driven End Of Life Care

Hospice care is well known as an end-of-life care option, but it can provide much more than simple pain and symptom management. In most cases, hospice can provide an integrative approach to patient care that helps coordinate and manage medications, physician care, spiritual and mental health support, and support for family and caregivers.  Coordinated Care When a patient enters hospice, they gain the support of an extended network of care providers. Read More 

3 Tips for Getting Through Your First Chemotherapy Session

If you've recently been diagnosed with cancer and your doctor has scheduled you to begin chemotherapy, you're probably pretty nervous about your first session. That's normal. You've just been given a scary diagnosis, and you'll be walking into a treatment facility to receive a treatment that, while effective, is notoriously rough on the body. What's more, you won't really know how your body will react to the chemo until you begin the treatment, so it's hard to know what to expect. Read More