What Tests Are Used To Access ADHD In Children?

There is no single "pass-fail" test to ascertain whether a person, a child, has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, more commonly known as ADHD. The hallmark of this common brain disorder is an inability to focus and pay attention and difficulty controlling behavior. To make a reliable ADHD diagnosis, a doctor and medical care team use a variety of tests, medical exams, personal interviews and other factors to make the assessment. Read More 

4 Incredibly Awesome Facts About Blood Vessels That You Probably Don’t Know

Most people think about the heart when they think of the body's cardiovascular and circulatory system. However, the heart wouldn't be able to function and keep you alive without the work of the blood vessels. This network of vessels ensures that every part of your body gets the blood, oxygen and nutrients it needs to function properly and stay healthy. In other words, blood vessels are important, too. Here are a few facts about blood vessels that you probably don't know: Read More 

How To Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Recovery After A Hysterectomy

Hysterectomies can be difficult surgeries because certain types can be considered invasive, which could leave you with a large incision that will need to heal before you can do your daily activities. Even if you use robotic surgery, which reduces the size of the incision that is needed, you are still going to need to make sure that you take adequate time to recover in order to make sure that you don't reopen the incision or suffer other medical problems. Read More 

Veterans May Need A Private Physician For Appeals

Dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs can be a difficult and stressful process, especially when physical pain or other conditions are already making daily life difficult. The appointments and paperwork can be difficult to deal with alone, but with the assistance of a primary care physician outside of the system, you may be able to gather independent evidence to make your appeal more successful. Take the time to understand a few traits of the Veterans Affairs (VA) claim system and ways that a private primary care physician can help. Read More 

Canine Physical Therapy To Fight Arf-Ritis

Just as human joints can begin to become painful and inflamed over time, dogs can suffer from arthritis too. Arthritis in dogs commonly occurs in the knees or hips but can also be in the shoulders or wrists. There are several methods of physical therapy you can try if your dog has been diagnosed with arthritis.  Range-of-Motion Therapy Canine physical therapists can teach you several range-of-motion exercises you can do with your dog to help relieve the pain of arthritis. Read More